Full Moon in Scorpio
Full moon | Scorpio | April 23, 2024
At the end of one of the most wild and chaotic months astrologically, we’re getting hit with a full moon in Scorpio. It may feel like the LAST thing we need right now is more intensity, and honestly, I would agree with you. But the stars are on our side, and how we work with this particular full moon can make all the difference.
Let’s recap some of the major transits we’ve been experiencing this month, especially because this full moon is an opportunity to integrate them, and release.
We had the extremely intense new moon eclipse in Aries on April 8. You can read my full report on that eclipse here. This brought to light all that was hidden deep beneath the surface, and offered an invitation to face the shadow. Relationships were a major theme, and choosing yourself was the highest way to respond to this event.
Transits to Chiron:
We’ve had the North Node, Venus, and Mercury all making aspect to Chiron this month. This has added to the karmic and intense energy of the things being revealed, and what we are being asked to release.
Chiron reveals a core wound, one we’d usually rather stay hidden. With all these planets activating Chiron, that has been impossible. We need to see the thing we would rather not see, within our own psyche - and within our dynamics with others.
Mercury retrograde:
Mercury has been retrograde all month, in the sign of Aries, adding fuel to the fire of the North Node, Chiron, and eclipse in Aries.
This may be adding a layer of confusion to where we need to go as we attempt to embark on our own individual path.
Mercury will station direct, conjunct the North Node, two days after this full moon. This energy is adding a decisive element to this full moon. The energy is “I know where I need to go (to embody my highest self) and I am intentionally making decisions and taking action to get me there”.
Jupiter - Uranus conjunction:
Over the weekend we experienced the peak of the Jupiter - Uranus conjunction, a transit that only happens once every 14 years and one of the major astrological events of this year.
This transit brings a level of change and unpredictability that is at its very nature, deeply destabilizing.
Uranus is here to evoke evolution and revolution — through chaos and cataclysmic change. While ultimately the insights we gain through Uranus are for our highest good, they are almost always extremely uncomfortable.
Uranus rules the nervous system and kundalini energy, so we are experiencing a massive energetic upgrade, while at the same time we are likely experiencing internal instability.
New perspectives (in a larger than life way) are impossible to avoid at this point.
Full moon in Scorpio:
Here’s where this full moon comes in.
We are integrating and embodying the massive changes ushered in by eclipses, Uranus, and Chiron. It’s not easy. But this full moon is here to help us process some of the intensity (what Scorpio does best) and leave behind what we know we need to release.
At this point, it should be glaringly obvious what needs to be let go of.
If you’ve been avoiding looking at a certain change that needs to happen, that avoidance should no longer be possible to maintain.
The full moon is forming an almost exact T-square to Pluto (the ruler of the chart) — amplifying the death and rebirth themes of Scorpio.
We need to let something die. There is no other way around it.
This is a full moon for MAJOR release. Emotional, physical, energetic, intellectual. This is a time to cut cords, free yourself, and get ready for the rebirth.
These changes are happening at the speed of light, and as alchemists, it is our work to transform.
I highly recommend working with this moon to let go (for good) of the beliefs, perspectives, people, relationships, and emotional baggage you know deep down need to go.
On the other side, we may feel a sense of relief as we are able to integrate the beneficial gifts of our Uranian awakening, and move forward towards our goals as Mercury stations direct.
We are almost through the woods of one of the hardest months I have ever seen on a collective level. Sending a big hug, you got this.
As always, it you are looking for help integrating or applying these transits to your own personal life and chart, you can book a reading with me here.
Big love,