Full Moon in Cancer & Nodal Shift
As the moon moves towards full, we are moving into a new karmic and soul journey as a collective. Before we even explore the energies of this full moon, it feels essential to do a deep dive into the nodal shift that occurs two days prior, on January 11th 2025.
Understanding the nodes
The north and south nodes are points of destiny in the chart, and in my opinion as an evolutionary astrologer, they are the most important aspects of the chart. In the transit chart (the chart of the moment, which tells us about the current collective energies), these two points change signs every 18 months. When they do, we embark on a new collective healing and expansion journey that will mark the overall flavour of our soul work for the next year and a half.
For the last 18 months, we have had the north node in Aries, teaching us about personal power, self determination, chasing our dreams, and integrity in fighting for our individual values. We have also had the south node in the opposite sign of Libra, teaching us to release outdated programming around the ways we relate to others, and specifically clearing karmic ties and codependency patterning.
Many relationships have ended or at the very least transformed over the last 18 months with the nodes in Aries and Libra. But as of January 11th, the nodes will not be back in these positions for another 18 years. Ideally, you’ve been doing the deep personal and soul work to clear your own unique version of these karmic wounds, and embracing your own version of the highest expression of Aries within your own chart and life.
As the nodes move into Virgo and Pisces, we enter into a new collective energetic cycle and a new soul lesson.
The south node always represents karmic patterns and is connected to the past. The south node also represents our comfort zone, or a conditioned patterning that is so familiar and cozy, we might not even be consciously aware of it. The south node transiting through any sign will reveal both the collective and personal shadows we experience around the archetype of that sign.
The north node represents destiny, growth, expansion, and the lessons we are here to learn that challenge us deeply. Wherever the north node appears in the chart, it represents an achetypal energy we are collectively and individually learning to express and embody in it’s highest expression. Usually to get here, we have to face the shadows of the south node.
North node in Pisces, South node in Virgo
Over the next 18 months, we are on the collective journey of healing our shadows in regards to the Virgo archetype, and embracing the highest form of the Pisces archetype. Ideally by the end of this journey, we have integrated a balanced expression of these two opposing energies both personally and collectively.
You’ll hear me speaking and writing a LOT about these two archetypes and the soul work they represent over the next year and a half, but let’s begin here.
Collectively, we are being invited to purge and release the shadows Virgo. In it’s most basic form, it is the shadow of control. Virgo is mutable earth, and this archetype has the power to see the importance in the detail, to become masterful of a craft or lineage in service to others, to work for what matters, and to maintain healthy and consistent daily routines that maintain overall wellness. These are beautiful qualities, but taken a little too far, they represent the tendency to become hyper focused on the fine print.
The shadow of Virgo is neurosis. It’s placing too much emphasis and importance on the detail, the material realm, and becoming anxious, overthinking, perfectionist, or even highly critical or masochistic in response to that hyper focus. All of the shadows of Virgo come from giving too much importance on the physical, and our personal tiny actions that affect material reality.
The north node in Pisces is our collective invitation into growth and expansion. Where Virgo can get lost in the details, Pisces brings the remedy: zoom out and see the picture. The ultimate highest expression of the Pisces archetype is spiritual transcendence, compassion and trust.
We can already see how Pisces brings the medicine for Virgo’s control issues. The work we will be doing, both personally and collectively, over the next year and a half — will be the work of letting go of control and embracing surrender.
Many souls will experience spiritual awakening during this transit. Many of us will need to heal our relationship with source, God, the divine. Embracing Pisces is about trusting and knowing that on the highest level, everything is always happening in perfect divine order. Pisces represents the infinite possibility of bringing our dreams into manifest form, by understanding that we are not limited by the material realm. Literally anything we can dream, we can create. And Pisces knows it.
To know where this transit will have soul lessons for you specifically, look to the houses occupied by Pisces and Virgo in your natal chart. If you want help with this, you can always book a reading. These two houses will tell you about the two areas of your life that will be most impacted by the soul work you are doing around Pisces and Virgo energies.
There is so much more to say about these nodal energies, and I will be uploading a video on Monday where I dive further into this new evolutionary journey and how we can work with it.
Neptune at the north node
To add to the magic and mystery of our north node moving into Pisces, we are currently experiencing one of the most magical transits of the year. For the first few months of 2025, the north node will be hanging out in late degrees of Pisces conjunct Pisces’ ruler, Neptune.
Neptune is the planet of transcendence of time and space, dissolving of boundaries, and oneness. Neptune being the higher octave of Venus, she represents spiritual love. The energy of Neptune dissolves and melts physical blockages and separation.
Being an outer planet, Neptune can represent a challenge to the ego or the individual self. The ego struggles with the dissolution of time and space. Neptune in it’s shadow can also represent illusion, deception, or things not being what they seem. After all, nothing is really real anyway.
With Neptune at the north node, there is massive potential to bring our greatest dreams into reality in ways that are beyond our mind’s comprehension. The mystical and magical energy of Neptune represents infinite potential to dream and to create from our intuition and psychic powers.
The key to making the most of this energy will be letting go of any effort to push, force, or control results through practical action. Letting go of our mind’s limited plans is a part of the work of releasing the south node in Virgo. At the same time, Mars will remain in retrograde throughout this transit, adding to the message that it’s not about what we are doing, so much as the energy we are moving with, and who we are being.
Surrender, embracing limitless potential, magic, mystery, and being vs doing — this energy has the potential to bring massive shifts and magic beyond our wildest dreams.
The full moon comes in on January 13th, just two days after the nodes shift. A full moon in Cancer (the moon’s ruler) is always a powerful one. In the peak of Capricorn season, which brings the influence of long term visioning, planning and goal setting, a full moon in Cancer reminds us to FEEL.
How do your goals make you feel? Are you chasing a vision based on status, materialism, or recognition… or are you building your dreams based on your intuitive insights and emotional integrity?
With the full moon in conjunction to Mars retrograde, this is an important moment of reckoning around how we DO. The energy behind our actions and the ways we chase our desires is up for reconsideration. Mars, the planet of drive, motivation, and the ways we go after what we want, is moving backwards and in it’s fall in Cancer.
Mars retrograde in Cancer is a reflection point and a reconsideration around the harmful and outdated collective programming that we must push, force, fight for what we want. Mars in Cancer wants us to align our action with our emotional and intuitive knowings. We are meant to be well nourished by our movements. If the journey towards what we desire leaves us depleted and emotionally distressed, what is the point?
This full moon will reveal the emotional impact of misaligned action that lacks consideration for our overall wellbeing.
It also represents a possible turning point, a new way to move forward that honours our deeper feeling and psychic awareness. A way to take action that honours energy first, not as an afterthought.
The full moon also makes helpful aspect to both Uranus in Taurus and the north node and Neptune in Pisces. The transformative potential of both these two placements are inviting us into a softening in the way we see growth and transformation itself.
What if we didn’t have to fight our way there, and instead could surrender to the higher plan?
What if we trusted that the present moment holds exactly the medicine we need, if only we stop resisting it?
What if we knew that our capacity to feel, believe, connect, nourish, and slow down were the keys to our growth, not working to our detriment?
What if we slow all the way down enough to feel the wisdom of the body, and let it all move through us?
These questions are the invitations of the full moon in Cancer. May your biggest dreams come true through ease, peace, and a softening to all that is.
If you prefer video format, you can now watch the full chart reading below!
Full moon blessings,
Ps. to understand how all of the current transits and future planetary movements are affecting you and your soul’s evolution personally, book a reading with me.