Full Moon in Sagittarius
full moon | Sagittarius | May 23, 2024
I’m absolutely loving this full moon chart. We need this full moon. It’s bringing such a positive, powerful and uplifting energy to the field, AND it’s helping us integrate the massive shifts we’ve all experienced over the last month.
Let’s dive in.
The full moon comes in at 2 degrees of Sagittarius, and that alone feels like a positive and uplifting fresh start. Sagittarius is the eternal optimist of the zodiac, and brings us in touch with our desire to grow, expand, evolve, and learn through lived experience. Sag is the teacher and student archetype, and points that archer’s arrow towards its target, seeking to move towards the next horizon with precision and passion.
The ruler of this full moon is Jupiter, and this great benefic planet is conjunct our other benefic, Venus. When these two come together, optimism, expansion and potential meets with love, connection, beauty and magic. These two planets are conjunct exactly during the full moon at 29 degrees of Taurus.
As Jupiter moves out of it’s conjunction with Uranus, which was exact in late April but has been very present all of May as well, this full moon and the importance Jupiter plays in it is helping us all integrate and find the gold in our Uranian lessons. Uranus has stirred the pot. All of us, in one way or another, have likely experienced massive and very unexpected change over the last month or so.
With Jupiter now moving away from Uranus and meeting up with Venus, we are beginning to see the importance, beauty, and magic of those changes we’ve experienced. Even if it has been deeply uncomfortable (and it likely has) we’re beginning to see the silver lining, the lesson, the gift of our recent challenges and changes.
A few days ago we also had Mars come into tight conjunction with the North Node, which again, accelerates our nodal journey. As we know by now, we’re all being asked to let go of outdated patterns and behaviours around relating, and step into authentic self expression. Mars at the North Node activates the extreme importance of choosing ourselves and letting go of any misaligned relationships, or relational patterns so that we can actually go after the things we desire as individuals.
The full moon is in exact sextile to Pluto, a helpful aspect to the planet of transformation and evolution. A new chapter is upon us, if we are willing to embrace it.
This is a full moon to take stock of all the patterns you’ve been breaking, the inner shifts you’ve been making, and the new direction you are heading. It is a time to take stock of the lessons learned over the rollercoaster of the last month, and really decide where you are pointing your arrow moving forward.
In the next few days after this full moon, Jupiter moves into Gemini. Jupiter changes signs about every 13 months so this is a major transit bound to bring excitement, speed, fresh ideas, inspiration and knowledge. Jupiter will spend the next 13 months transiting through the part of your chart occupied by Gemini, so looking at what house this is for you and what natal planets you have here will give you an idea of what part of your life is ready to be blessed by the fairy dust of Jupiter.
As always, if you want to book a reading with me you can do so here.
Big love and happy full moon,