Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra


If you aren’t working with eclipses, you’re missing out on some SERIOUS manifestation power.

I’ve said it many times but I’ll say it again. The cosmos are influencing you, whether or not you are aware of the influence. Keeping up to date on what’s happening astrologically is NOT just for astrologers and moon worshipers. 

Why? Because not knowing what is happening in the cosmos is like driving in a foreign country without the GPS on. You might make it to where you’re trying to go… but if the GPS is at your fingertips (like the emails I send you every new and full moon to give you the full cosmic tea ;) Why not use it?


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Knowing what influences are present in the stars allows you to work WITH the collective energy at play, and have more information about the lessons and growth the Universe is inviting you into. 

If you are here to expand, grow, and evolve, you definitely don’t want to miss out on this cosmic wisdom. ESPECIALLY during eclipse season. 

Why eclipses matter

Eclipses are supercharged new or full moon events that activate the portals known as the Lunar Nodes. An eclipse happens when a new or full moon happens close to either the North Node or South Node. Eclipses always come in pairs, a new and full moon, at each of the Nodes.

These events are significant because of the significance of the Nodes themselves, which are points in the sky that activate and invite us into either repetition of old, karmic cycles (South Node), or evolution into new, dharmic timelines (North Node).

When the Nodes are activated during the two weeks between two eclipses, we are entering into a moment in time when these two gateways to dharma and karma are both open and active. This is why eclipses can be very chaotic or unpredictable, and also why they are very important and significant moments to work with actively.

How to work with eclipses

We don’t work with an eclipse the typical way we would with a regular new or full moon, as these energies can be much more volatile and unstable. However, that instability also points to the power and potential of eclipses.

With an eclipse, we have the opportunity to jump timelines, or experience a quantum shift.

The everyday actions we take during the two weeks between eclipses and even leading up to the first eclipse are very important. Think of these moments like a test from the Universe, asking you to actively choose what timeline you would like to move forward on.

There will DEFINITELY be karmic patterns and situations that surface during this period, providing an opportunity to see how you responded to these dynamics in the past and to choose a new, evolutionary way forward.

Evolutionary action happens in moment to moment decisions to release a wound, pattern, or karmic behaviour and to choose a new response to an old dynamic. This is exactly what we want to be doing during eclipse season, as letting go of old limited and wounded patterns is extremely magnetic and opens us up to experiencing a new, higher timeline.

It is also important to work with stabilizing practices during eclipse season, as these energies can be volatile. It is not a recommended time for practices that can be destabilizing like psychedelics, or practices intended to create altered states of consciousness.

Full moon Lunar eclipse in librA

This eclipse is the first in the current series, marking the start of this current eclipse season. Occurring in the sign of Libra, near the South Node, this eclipse is first and foremost asking us to RELEASE any of the shadows associated with Libra that we have not yet integrated.

Libra shadows include all kinds of codependency, people pleasing, martyrdom, self sacrifice and self abandonment. While terms like these tend to be thrown around a lot lately, and are perhaps overly pathologized, these are fairly common human experiences.

This full moon asks us to get crystal clear on where our patterns of seeking love from others override our unique, authentic, and individual self expression. And to let all of those old patterns die.

With Mercury, the North Node, and Chiron all lined up in Aries, there is perhaps a wound around claiming our authentic sovereign identity. And yet, when we give voice to our fears and let them out of the closet, we access a power that is uniquely our own.

The ruler of the chart, Venus, is currently exalted in Pisces, and yet conjunct Saturn. It’s time to take off the rose coloured glasses in our relationships with others and to allow ourselves to become grounded and rooted in reality.

Upcoming transits

We are approaching a Mercury retrograde at the North Node smack dab in the middle of this eclipse season, with Mercury stationing Rx on April 1 in the sign of Aries. I’ll have more to say on this in upcoming updates, but for now, remember that Mercury Rx is an invitation to reflect, rewind, reassess, and come into greater alignment for future forward movement.

Our next eclipse is a Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th. This will close our eclipse season for this round.

On April 20th, we have a conjunction between the planets Uranus and Jupiter, bring BIG expansion and unknowns. This transit is one of the most major alignments of 2024, happening in the sign of Taurus. This is in no way an energy we can plan for, but check what house this occupies in your chart for clues about an area of your life that will be seeing massive growth and expansion.

Expect the unexpected, stay open, and allow yourself to blow your own damn mind. This months astrology is here to take us for a whirl.

to learn about how all of this is affecting you personally,

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Big love, Hannah

Hannah Schultz-Durkacz