New Moon in Pisces
The energies over the last week have been a little unhinged I'll be honest.
Uranus squares are not cozy. Destabilizing at best, chaotic at worst. Big change is in the air! This past week Uranus has made squares to both Mars and Venus, stirring up some provocative new information, possibly in the realms of relationship, passion, sexuality, and drive.
The thing is, Uranus is always, ALWAYS, here to illuminate and awaken us to highest truth. It's just that the journey to get there can be a little uncomfortable. Especially for our human selves.
Uranus rules over electricity, and can feel like an electric shock to the nervous system. It's so important to be regulating yourself right now with all the changes afoot (even the good ones!) With Uranus square's we are definitely experience the harsher aspects of this planet, such as shock, dis-regulation, nervous energy, chaos, and overall uncertainty and instability.
However, this new moon in Pisces brings in a favourable energy we can work with intentionally to manifest our goals and desires and to step into magic and possibility, which is really what Pisces is all about.
Let’s explore the chart.
I love this new moon chart, and I’ll tell you why.
The new moon is a new beginning. In Pisces, it’s an invitation to get expansive in our dreaming. To let our vision be larger than life. To explore the mystical.
To trust, and SURRENDER.
Pisces is mutable water, where all separation melts away and we merge in the waters of infinite bliss. We remember we are one with the Universe, with each other, and that we can actually never possibly be on the wrong path.
In the last decan of Pisces, we reach completion, culmination, and fulfillment of a dream. We also plant seeds for the next visions coming into fruition. And with Mercury moving into Aries on the same day as this new moon, speaking our dreams into existence is powerful magic.
Words are spells, so write down your highest level vision. Daydream out loud with your loved ones. Share your ideas and fantasies with ones who can help you hold them close, and water the seeds with you.
The moon is making a beautifully helpful sextile to Uranus, helping us integrate the effects of destabilization we may have experienced this past week. Whatever insight Uranus has revealed, whatever muck has been stirred up from the bottom of your psyche, Pisces can hold it with loving compassion.
The chart’s ruler, Neptune, also moving through the watery realms of Pisces helps us get philosophical about our soul’s journey and the lessons and challenges it invites us into.
At once incredibly attuned, intuitive, and insightful, Pisces offers the detachment of knowing that this too shall pass. Pisces offers the gift of remembering that on our spiritual journey in human bodies, we are always right on track. Nothing that is meant for us can ever miss us.
New Moon blessings,