New Moon in Pisces

New moon | Pisces | Feb 27, 2025

This new moon in Pisces brings us in touch with the ethereal, the limitless, and our own greatest potential. But we can’t just dream our way there. With heavy emphasis on the North Node of destiny, we need to face a challenge in order to actualize our dreams.

The challenge associated with the North Node is to step out of fantasy, illusion, and deception… and come face to face with exactly the thing we would rather not.

All the Pisces in the chart right now can have us swirling away in a Neptunian fog. It could seem like on a higher level, anything is possible and we’re floating on lavender clouds in a mystic haze. “Too good to be true” requires a deeper investigation. While on a soul level, anything IS possible, our very human experience requires boundaries and aligned action that help as actualize our potential. Even (especially) in the places we would rather escape.

This new moon asks for the devotion to our highest path and timeline, beyond the fantasy of what feels good (or we would rather swim away from facing) in the moment. Disciplined decisions that support long term expansion and an ever greater dream are essential to see the fruits of the seeds we are now planting.

The vision you are calling forth requires a sober look at where you are NOT taking full accountability for the spiritual, emotional, and energetic boundaries required to actualize them.

Let’s get honest babe: living in fantasy land, endless scrolling, numbing mechanisms, leaky boundaries in relationships, projecting potential onto situations and people, and rose coloured glasses are NOT helping you manifest what you deeply desire.

The ruler of the new moon, Neptune, is conjunct the North Node, telling us that our biggest dreams are not only possible, but they require us to walk through an initiation to claim them.

The new moon’s other ruler Jupiter is in square to the moon, amplifying our potential to slip into those shadowy realms of Pisces dreamland.

The new moon is also in powerful trine to Mars who just stationed direct, asking us to take action forward that challenges us, requires discipline, but ultimately supports us in the long term (even if it feels super painful in the moment).

All of these themes come after a heavy emotional week where Mar’s station direct has stirred the pot of our deep well of unprocessed emotions and likely dredged some heavy stuff to the surface. Yes we are being tested.

As Venus is already in her critical degree before stationing retrograde in two days time, there is a strong likelihood that the themes surrounding all of this are showing up heavily in the realms of love, relationships, and possibly even finances.

Watch below for a full reading of the chart and a deep dive into the astrological energies of the moment.

Big love out there,


Ps. As always, if you want to work with these energetics intentionally and understand you’re own unique soul lesson amidst the madness, book a reading with me here.

If relationship themes are coming up for you and you want to use this Venus retrograde intentionally to heal your patterns in love and step into a new, higher way of loving and relating, you can get my course Sovereign Love for 33% off right now here.

And if you want to REBIRTH intentionally after the intensity of March with a community of other women together in the jungle, join the Wild Woman Retreat here.

Hannah Schultz-Durkacz