New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

New moon | Solar eclipse | Libra | Oct 2, 2024

This eclipse is our final lunar event at the nodes while they are still in Aries and Libra. A culmination of our lessons in these areas of our charts, lessons we have been exploring and experiencing (in expansive and deeply challenging ways) since July of 2023.

We know by now that these nodes in Aries and Libra are asking us to learn hard lessons around the theme of relationships. We likely have come to terms with what our own individual version of that looks like. And eclipses ALWAYS amplify the nodal journey and the lessons it represents.

This particular eclipse, occurring at the South Node, is a new beginning, since it’s a new moon eclipse. It is also an invitation to let go — far more profound than a typical new or full moon. Eclipses are turning points in our collective journey. Eclipses at the South Node dredge up very, very old material to the surface to be cleared.

In the case of this eclipse in Libra, we are facing off with old stories around what it means to love, and what it means to be in partnership with others. We are collectively clearing many distortions around what relationships represent, specifically ones that bring us in touch with the shadow side of Libra.

The shadow of Libra, in simplest terms, is codependency. It is anywhere in our lives we outsource. Whether it is our needs, our emotional wellbeing, our sense of safety and security, our identity, our sense of belonging. Collective programming around codependency runs so deep, and operates on a wide spectrum. All of us have work to do in clearing the distortion of codependency internally, and externally within our relationships.

This is the final lunar event that will be bringing these themes to the surface, and we will feel the energy of the eclipse throughout the week. It is a potent time when we can experience breakthroughs, new levels of self awareness, and AHA moments that bring greater clarity, liberation, and freedom.

With the North Node in Aries, the lesson is ALWAYS to choose yourself. What that looks like will be different for each of us, but any tendencies and patterns of self sacrifice need to go. Eclipses are turning points and portals to a new timeline, if worked with correctly. Working with eclipses (and astrology in general) means looking at the raw material being presented in your everyday life that is drawing out these themes, and choosing — consciously and intentionally — to break patterns and to create new pathways through evolutionary action.

The evolutionary action always requires first, awareness of the old pattern, and second, a conscious choice to respond differently than you have in the past.

This is not an abstract, spiritual concept but a very practical and tangible way to engage with life. An evolutionary way.

In terms of the chart for this eclipse, we have the new moon in conjunction to Mercury, indicating there may be important conversations, communications, and thoughts that challenge our perspective.

Letting go of the old is the only way to create space for the new.

The moon and Mercury are making a square to Mars in Cancer, the ruler of the North Node, indicating that it may feel challenging and uncomfortable to speak your truth and claim your desires, but it will be essential.

Working with this new moon in ritual, you may consider a practice of writing down and releasing old limiting patterns, behaviours, thoughts and paradigms that have been making themselves known to you over the course of this nodal journey. A fire ritual to burn and release stories and mental loops that are not serving you (particularly in the realm of relationships) could be a potent way to work with this energy.

The ruler of the new moon eclipse is Venus, and she is in Scorpio. Venus is intense, obsessive, deep and a little dark in Scorpio. This placement can amplify the theme of releasing the past, bringing our awareness to past lovers and relationships that went wrong.

With Venus in a grand trine with Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces, there is a possibility here to move forward (a new beginning) in a new direction. Grounded by the influence of Saturn to release and transcend the wounding of the past, and encouraged to practice self care and nurturance by Mars.

Emotions can definitely be running high with eclipses in general, and everything can feel like there is a heightened intensity. The decisions we make in eclipse season can have far reaching impact and ripple, so we want to be aware of our tools, ensure we stay regulated, and practice self compassion. Especially with Mercury playing an important role in this eclipse, the words you speak into reality and the conversations you have around this new moon are powerful portals. Use them wisely.

If you are struggling in your relationship and finding yourself at a breaking point, (especially if this has been an ongoing struggle since July 2023) this eclipse may be the final push to let go and move forward in ways that honour yourself.

Eclipses are times when many contracts are formed and dissolved. Many souls tend to transition around eclipses. Relationships can end, and new people can enter your life. Be mindful and aware of what enters your life around this eclipse, and what has reached it’s expiration in your life.

An ending, creating space for a new beginning.

Take extra good care of yourselves out there, and as always, if you’d like to book a reading with me to apply the tools of evolutionary astrology to your own life and chart, you can do so here.

Get 25% off this week with code ECLIPSE.

If you are struggling in your relationships, I highly recommend joining my course Sovereign Love. I am offering a 20% discount for access to recordings and all resources, without the live component.

If you want to pay in full ($1200), you can join here.

And if you want to pay monthly ($400 x 3) you can join here.

Big love and cosmic blessings,


Hannah Schultz-Durkacz