Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Full moon | Lunar eclipse | pisces | Sept 17, 2024

Welcome back to eclipse season.

Lunar eclipses are magnified and intensified full moons. Full moons are always here to bring magnification, illumination, and a release of energies. Eclipses are also nodal events, because they happen when the new or full moon is near the north or south node. With this in mind, eclipses can be powerful portals into shifting timelines. They help us let go of what we are leaving behind at the south node and step into our destiny at the north node.

Eclipses are generally quite unstable and chaotic energies. They are moments of powerful transformation. Think of them as an opportunity to make a timeline jump. Eclipses also come in pairs, and so from today until our next new moon eclipse on October 2nd, we are in the eclipse portal. Fated, unexpected, and opportunistic shifts can happen during this two week cycle.

This is our final set of eclipses with the nodes in Aries and Libra. This eclipse season is connected to the past eclipses we have had along this axis, the most recent of which being the solar eclipse on April 8th. Thinking back to what was surfacing for you around that eclipse season may give insight into what this eclipse season is asking you to process, cleanse, and release.

We are wrapping up the themes and lessons of the nodal journey of Aries and Libra during this eclipse season. As we know by now, this nodal journey has powerfully pulled focus on the balance between our relationships to self and other. The current eclipse is happening at the north node in Aries, although the moon is in late degrees of Pisces.

Once again, the north node in Aries reminds us that in order to be resourced and ready to show up and choose another, we need to fully choose ourselves first.

Since the full moon is happening in the sign of Pisces, we can work with this moon to access our intuition, tune into our higher selves, and release the emotions connected to the past. Many of us have experienced major shifts in the realm of relationships over the last six months since the previous eclipse season. With this full moon, we are invited to work with the water element to cleanse and purify the remaining emotional debris connected to those changes.

The full moon is conjunct the full moon ruler, Neptune, in it’s home sign of Pisces. In it’s highest expression, Neptune can bring us into the mystical realms of infinite potential and has the power to dissolve barriers and limitations to help us access pure love and trust in the divine. However, the shadow of Neptune is illusion, deception, and distortion — escapism and things not being what they seem. The best way for us to work with Neptune’s influence is to connect to spirit through our tools and practices, and to stay devoted to faith.

On the other side of the full moon we have Saturn, who brings a grounding a restricting energy to the chart. In it’s highest expression, Saturn brings stability, structure, support, and longevity to our tangible lives. However, the shadow of Saturn feels heavy, restrictive, bureaucratic, and dense. When we feel Saturn’s influence, we may be feeling a collective heaviness and stress, slowness and tension.

Saturn can feel especially challenging right now since he is in almost exact opposition to Mercury in this chart, and in T square to Jupiter. All week we’ve been feeling this heaviness and lack of forward movement, as T squares (especially ones involving Saturn) bring a stand still and frustration to our forward movement.

As we enter into eclipse season with this full moon in Pisces, things may feel distorted, confusing, chaotic, and unclear. You may be experiencing road blocks in places where you’ve been trying hard to move forward. You may feel frustrated, and the Neptunian influence could even bring a sense of helplessness and doubt. If you are wondering where you are going and what you are doing, and feeling the heaviness of it all, you aren’t alone.

When working with eclipses, the best thing to do is to stay as grounded as possible. Full moons in water signs can tend to stir up the emotional body and eclipses only amplify that impact. With this eclipse in particular, the theme is emotional release around the past.

Tending to self care and riding the emotional waves is all we can do amidst these turbulent and chaotic cosmic waters. Work with the energy of this eclipse to surrender and let go of all the emotional baggage that isn’t meant to come with you into this new chapter.

On the other side of eclipse season, we will all be surely moving in a powerful new direction.

Big hugs and cosmic blessings,


Ps. If you want support navigating the turbulent waters of eclipse season, book a reading with me to dive deep into how these transits are affecting you personally and what your soul lesson is for this cycle.

Hannah Schultz-Durkacz