Full Moon in Capricorn + Summer Solstice

Full moon | Capricorn | June 21, 2024

Occurring just after the solstice, this full moon in Capricorn is ripe with potential.

Moving into the axis of these Cardinal signs is a turning point in our year. The sun’s entrance into Cancer represents a moment of nurturing. Gifted with the spark of life, the fertile soil, and the creative impulse in Spring, Cancer season encourages us to ask “how will I nurture these seeds I have planted?”

The archetype of Cancer is a powerful point in our evolutionary path. It is the moment we receive the impulse to tend to our inner gardens. Cancer, Cardinal water, represents the evolutionary journey of learning to FEEL. Cancer is here to teach us about our emotional spectrum, and how we can develop the capacity to hold ourselves, nurture ourselves, and tend to our own emotional needs.

Working with Cancer brings to the surface our inner child, and the emotional need for safety we all have as children. When we integrate the archetype of Cancer, we learn to lean into our emotional waters, and create safe spaces to meet our own emotional needs. Cancer is here to feel the full spectrum. And that level of sensitivity also requires a great level of care and tenderness.

The work of healing the inner child and creating safety for our full emotional spectrum is greatly assisted by Cancer’s opposing sign, Capricorn.

With the full moon taking place in early degrees of Capricorn, we can work with these polarities to bring a greater level of mastery to our lives.

Capricorn assists us in our quest to create internal safety, through its strength in offering us exactly what Cancer needs (and perhaps lacks). Capricorn encourages us to step up as grown adults, and to take full, integral, and mature responsibility for ourselves and our lives. Capricorn helps us build the foundation, and create the containment we need to meet our emotional needs.

Capricorn is an archetype that thrives through maturity and accountability. It is Capricorn we turn to in order to release the codependent patterns of feeling responsible for the emotions of others, or making others responsible for ours. Capricorn knows right responsibility.

Capricorn helps us bring maturity to the inner child. Holding containment and capacity with steadiness and consistency. Capricorn reminds us that our emotional experience is ours alone, and teaches us the skills to hold it with integrity.

With the full moon opposing Venus, also newly in Cancer, these themes around emotional maturity, capacity, and responsibility are especially important in the ways they present themselves in our relationships. Since Venus is the ruler of the South Node, currently in Libra, this full moon asks us to get realistic with ourselves. 

How have we matured in our relational lives in the last year since the nodes moved into Libra/Aries? Have we learned to create healthy boundaries? Do we know what is ours to master, and what is not? Have we matured our own expression and embodiment to be a match to the kind of relationships we desire?

What do you really desire in your relationships? And have you done the work to be able to confidently say you are capable and in integrity with that desire?

This is the work of the full moon.

With Neptune making a light square to the sun, moon, and Venus and Mercury… the clarity of where precisely you are going may not have fully landed. But the most important question in this moment to ask is:

What about where you are right now? Are you proud of the ways you show up? Have you mastered a mature relationship to your emotions and emotional needs? 

And are you willing to stand firmly in your desire, not knowing what will come next… but fully trusting that you will have the capacity to meet it?

Happy full moon. 

Big love always,


Ps. If you want to explore the work of deeply tending to your emotional needs, mastering right responsibility, standing firmly in your desires, and trusting your skills to meet the moment with grace — especially in the realms of love and relationship —

I have a new 3 month group mentorship program open for enrolment that will teach you the skills to become masterful at relating in a truly wholistic sense.

This is for the woman who has been doing the work around relationships, but you haven’t quite seen the results in your love life that you are looking for. My methodology combines an understanding of the healing work needed (inner child, attachment system, karmic loops, sexual healing) with a nuanced approach to developing relational mastery (conscious communication, integrating and maturing inner masculine and feminine, high level relating skills), and advanced tantric and polarity teachings (using partnership as a spiritual practice, advanced sexual polarity, third stage relating).

You can read all the details and sign up for the earlybird here. Only 10 spots available. We begin mid July 2024.

Hannah Schultz-Durkacz