Full Moon in Taurus

full moon | Taurus | Nov 15, 2024

Today’s full moon comes in as we move through the intense and activating energies of November. Change is definitely in the air.

Most notable in the chart, this full moon is conjunct Uranus, planet of sudden, abrupt, shocking and unexpected change (or even revolution). Any full moon in conjunction to Uranus can bring unexpected plot twists on the individual and collective levels.

Even more significant, this full moon conjunct Uranus happens almost at the exact degree of the Jupiter - Uranus conjunction in Taurus back on April 20th. This conjunction was one of the most significant astrological moments of the year, and likely brought some kind of wake-up call, revelation, or massive internal or external shift in your life.

With the full moon happening so close to this point in the sky, again, conjunct Uranus, we are being asked to in some way revisit the illumination and insight we received around April 20th. A deeper layer, a further understanding, or a heightened insight may be revealed under this lunation.

Simultaneously in the chart, we have Uranus in opposition to the sun in Scorpio. This opposition could feel like the dramatic revealing of hidden truths or secrets coming to light, or could also feel like a deeper internal process of shadows being exposed. Either way, with Scorpio’s influence, the chart indicates a karmic process has the potential to come to completion with this full moon.

Over the last few weeks, we have also been experiencing Scorpio’s co-rulers, Mars and Pluto, in opposition. With Pluto moments away from making his final exit from Capricorn and into Aquarius, where he will remain for the next two decades, karmic closure is once again a relevant theme.

With Mars stirring the pot, things are being pushed to the surface to reach resolution.

It’s worth considering the impact Pluto has had in Capricorn since 2008. What house does Capricorn occupy in your chart, and how has that area of your been the catalyst for your transformation over the last 16 years? What lessons are power, karma, and alchemy have you been learning in regards to the part of yur chart occupied by Capricorn?

These lessons are nearing their completion, and likely any final sticky elements that require your attention are being revealed (in no uncertain terms) with Mars in opposition to Pluto.

The ruler of the full moon is Venus, and she is sitting at 4 degrees of Capricorn in almost exact square to the nodes. We complete and resolve our remaining lessons and expansion surrounding the nodal journey of Aries and Libra. This nodal journey has been all about releasing self-sacrifice and understanding that through focusing on your individual highest path, you create space for aligned relationships.

With Venus in square to these nodes and in the sign of Capricorn, it’s important to be practical, pragmatic, and keep in mind longevity when it comes to decisions around love and relationships. Venus in Capricorn is sensible, grounded, and interested in building something with the potential to leave a lasting legacy.

With the full moon itself being in the sign of Taurus, which is an archetype that seeks comfort through security and stability… yet the full moon being conjunct Uranus, a planet that is here to disrupt the status quo, we are cautioned to take note of where we have become complacent, and what areas of our lives are due for big changes.

Full moons are powerful opportunities to shed outdated patterns, mindsets, beliefs, behaviours, stories, and ways of being. It is through this release that we create space for all that we most deeply desire and deserve to unfold.

Full moon blessings,


Ps. If you would like to book a reading, you can always do so here. Translating the language of the stars and helping you understand your current moment in your soul’s evolution is always my pleasure.

Hannah Schultz-Durkacz