New Moon in Leo
NEW MOON | LEO | August 4, 2024
The new moon in Leo is asking us to begin something new in the realm of authentic self expression. However, the new moon comes in just hours before Mercury stations retrograde, making things feel a little less clearcut than we may wish.
In harmonious trine to the North Node in Aries, the new moon in Leo asks us to choose ourselves, the path we know is correct for us, and to shine bright while doing it. If you’ve been following this North Node journey in Aries, you should have a clear idea by now about where you’re being asked to fully choose yourself, and let go of any shadows of people pleasing, codependency, and self sacrifice.
With this Leo new moon, you’re being asked to own that part of yourself, loud and proud. Leo is the sign that rules creative self expression and being utterly fearless in the pursuit of our deepest desires. Leo rules play, joy, and shining our authentic light proudly in the world. Leo is an invitation to be bold, take up space, and be seen for your own unique and special magic.
Ideally, by this point in the nodal journey, we’ve learned the hard lessons around the shadow of the South Node in Libra. We aren’t self abandoning anymore. We’ve learned our worth.
It’s time to take all that you’ve learned and share it with others. The courageous aspect of Leo wants us to be bold with our true heart’s longings, and dare to dream big.
And yet…
Mercury stations retrograde soon after the new moon occurs. Mercury will spend this retrograde journey moving through the signs of Virgo and Leo. Within the first segment of this Rx, we need to get clear on the details. YES, dream big. And then set Mercury Rx in Virgo (which is meticulous af) to work on sifting through and sorting through all the logistical details.
Go over things twice, or even three times. Get the facts straight, and don’t get caught up in that pesky Virgo shadow of overthinking.
If you desire it, it is meant to be yours. Trust your intuition to guide you. AND, be open to the details sorting themselves out in ways you might not expect.
Mercury Rx is always an invitation to reflect, revise, and review before making any huge steps forward. When Mercury stations direct on August 28, we will have far more information to make informed and correct decisions for our highest future timeline.
It is always helpful to pay attention to any messages or insight you receive on the day the planet stations, so look out for any hints on August 4/5 for what Mercury might be trying to teach you this cycle. There will likely be something that pops up in your life on these days that is inviting you to rethink some area of your life. Pay special consideration to the houses that are occupied by Virgo and Leo, and what comes up around these specific areas of your life over the next 3 weeks.
A reminder that Mercury Rx is never out to get you, and that the trickster moving backward is simply an invitation in our ever speeding up world to slow down, reflect, and look at things from a different perspective. Notice how adaptable you can be when plans shift or things don’t go the way you expect.
Of course, relationships are still a major theme with the Nodes in Aries and Libra, and during this new moon, Venus makes a square to Uranus. Perhaps inviting us to reconsider or rethink our deeply held beliefs around what is possible, and what we deeply desire when it comes to love, and also our creative and financial lives.
Ultimately, this is a new moon to dream big and feel limitless with possibility, however it’s also a time to let go, trust, and surrender the unfolding of your greatest dreams and desires. Can you trust the absolute perfect timing and unfolding of your life? And still continue to dream big about the future?
This is what the new moon in Leo is inviting of us all.